Various Types of Tourism
There are so many Various Types of Tourism, including: tourism based on geography, tourism based on its influence on the balance of payments, tourism according to tourism reasons/destinations, tourism according to time of visit, tourism based on its object, tourism according to the number of people traveling.
1. Tourism Based On Geography
Local Tourism.
Tourism which has a relatively narrow scope and limited certain places. For example : Bandung City, DKI Jakarta, and other cities.
Tourism that develops in a place or area with wider scope when compared to local tourism, but more narrow when compared to national tourism. For example North Sumatra, Bali, and others.
2. Tourism Based On Its Influence On The Balance Of Payments
In Tourism or Active Tourism.
Tourism activities are characterized by the phenomenon of the entry of foreign tourists to a particular country. It is said to be active tourism because with the influx of foreign tourists, it means that it can enter foreign exchange for the countries visited which of course will automatically strengthen the balance of payments position of the country visited by those tourists. When viewed in terms of foreign exchange revenues, this type of tourism must receive the main attention to be developed, because of its quick yielding nature.
Out-going Tourism or Passive Tourism
Tourism activities are marked by the phenomenon of the exit of their own citizens who travel abroad as tourists. This activity is detrimental to the country of origin of tourists because the money that should be spent in the country is taken abroad and there is no economic significance for the country.
3. Tourism According to Tourism Reasons / Destinations
Business Tourism
Types of Tourism whose visitors only come for business or other work
Vacational Tourism
The type of tourism that people visit while on vacation.
Educational Tourism
Type of Tourism where people visit for study purposes and increase knowledge. for example like a study tour.
4. Types of Tourism According to Time of Visit
Seasonal Tourism
Types of Tourism whose activities are based on certain seasons. For example, Summer Tourism or Winter Tourism which is usually marked by sports activities.
Occational Tourism
Types of Tourism where the tour is connected to an event. For example Galunggan and Kuningan in Bali, Sekaten in Yogyakarta, Long Amulets in Cirebon, Cherry Blossom Festival in Tokyo, Water Feast in India, and others.
5. Tourism Based On Its Object
1. Cultural Tourism
Types of Tourism where the trip is carried out because of the motivation to see the attraction of the art-culture of a place or region. The object of his visit was the ancestral heritage and ancient objects. It is often open opportunities for tourists to take part in a cultural activity in the place they visit.
Recuperational Tourism
Usually referred to as health tourism. The aim of tourists to travel is to cure a disease. Like bathing in hot springs, mud baths that are commonly found in Europe, and coffee baths in Japan that are believed to make the face look youthful.
Commercial Tourism
Referred to as trade tourism, because this tour is associated with national or international trade activities, where expo, fair, exhibition, and others are often held.
Sport Tourism
Usually referred to as sports tourism. People who travel aim to see or watch a sporting event in a place or country (can also participate in the activity). For example the Olympics, All England, Boxing or soccer matches.
Political Tourism
Usually referred to as political tourism, which is a journey whose purpose is to see or witness an event related to a country's activities. For example the independence of a country (May 1 Parade in China, October 1 Parade in Russia, etc.).
Social Tourism
Social tourism should not be associated as a stand-alone tourism. This understanding is only seen in terms of its implementation which does not emphasize efforts to seek profit. For example study tour, youth tourism known as teenage tourism.
Religion Tourism
The type of tourism where the purpose of the trip is to see or watch religious ceremonies. Like Hajj or Umrah to Mecca for adherents of Islam, visits to Lourdes for adherents of Catholicism, and others.
4. Tourism According To The Number of People Traveling
Individual Tourism
Where people who travel are independent tourists (alone) or a family that travels together.
Group Tourism
The type of tourist in which the tour consists of several people who are members of a group or group (group) which is usually organized by a particular party, for example tour operators or travel agents.
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