
Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service. Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive them, as defined by the Advertising Association of the UK.

  • Differences
Advertising means a form of a message is persuasive that was delivered through a medium paid. While advertising is the process.

  • Examples

Some expert have expressed the meaning of advertisment and advertising


Gilson and Berkman declard that advertisment is a persuasive communication mess media that was designed to produce a respon and help to reach the achivement of objectivity or destination marketing

Rusel and Lane declare that advertisment is a message that was paid from a sponsor and been delivered from same communication mass media.

Wells declare the advertisment is one of a non-personal communication that was paid by a sponsor and used by mass media and the goal is affect the surrounding community or people.

Philip Kotler declare that advertisment is a presentation or a promotion about an idea, product or services in a formal or non-formal with a sponsor that need a payment.


according to Kotler opinion, advertising is a forms of presentation and idea of a promotion, product, or sevices non-personal that was paid on a certain sponsor

Dunn and Barban declare that advertising is a non-personal communication from many kinds of media that was paid by a company, non-profit organization and individual with using a advertisment message that can give information or persuade many people who read the message.

Rhenald Khasali declare that advertising is defined as a message that offer a product addressed for people through a mass media. advertising persuade more people.

Wells declare that advertising is a non-personal communication that was paid by sponsor that use mass media to persuade the audience.

Many kinds and examples of Advertising/Advertisement

  • Otomotif, Examples : Yamaha, Honda,Etc.
Image result for yamaha pictures wallpapersImage result for honda pictures wallpapers

  • Education,Examples : LBPP LIA, Gunadarma University,Etc
     Image result for lbpp lia pictures        Image result for gunadarma pictures
  • Chemical Industry, Examples : Revlon, Zwitsal baby soap and shampoo, Etc.
Image result for zwitsal pictures        Image result for revlon pictures      
  • Food and Drink Industry, Example : Richeese Wafer, Pocari Sweat, Etc.
            Image result for richeese wafer pictures                      Image result for pocari sweat pictures


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