
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2016

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hy! i want to intoduce you guys, about my bestfriends grup. The name of the group is Squad. They are Pierre,Fikri,Rizky,Firdi,Ella,Adel,Maul,Sisil,Cindy,Vero,Sania,Dele,Shafa,Mita,and definitively me. How can we know each other? We can know each others from English Literature group in Line. We were chatting and joking everyday in the group, until finally we thought if it was disturbing people. After that, we made own group. First of all, the group wasn't SQUAD, but "pasca putusnya Pier" LOL. And we decided to rename group be SQUAD. We meet the day when the new all students english literature at the University of Gunadarma at Ropisbak,Depok. After we eat, we go to Margo City to karaoke. It was our first meeting. and now, we were always together in leisure time. I dont know why i love them so much. i dont want to lose them. Ok, now i want to showing a pictures of my bestfriends one by one. 1.Adelia Oktaviani 2. Maulidya Sunarya 3. Vermita Yolanda ...